This body of work uses discarded textiles assembled to evoke personal, ancestral, and cultural memory as a form of sustenance and resistance within the patriarchal, capitalist, white supremist societal structure that we currently live in. I choose to use castaway and discarded things in the making of art objects to serve as a metaphor for the people and things that exist on the margins of society. The beauty and ingenuity of making do with what you have has sustained, and continues to sustain, black folks in a world that denies our humanity. Reclaiming that which has been disposed of and/or rejected and highlighting the importance and richness of it helps to re-center my orbit around humanness as opposed to maleness, greed, and whiteness. I use the accumulated history embodied within found objects, memories projected onto these objects by myself and the viewer, to tell a story that is different than the one larger society declares as truth. It is through this practice that I sustain my humanness and resist (and ultimately transform) the forces that wish to deny it.